“Drinks technologies”- this is a term that usually refers to the processes and methods of beverage production. It includes various stages and techniques, such as raw material processing, fermentation, distillation, vinification, brewing, as well as preparation and packaging of the final product.
Examples of various processes related to drinkstechnologies:
Fermentation: It is a biochemical process during which microorganisms, such as yeast and bacteria, convert sugars into alcohol and other products. Fermentation is the basis for the production of beer, wine and food products such as kvass, kefir, etc.
Distillation: This process involves heating the liquid to the point where it evaporates, and then reassembles in condensed form. This method is often used to create alcoholic beverages such as vodka, whiskey, gin, etc.
Vinification: This is the process of wine production, which includes the selection and harvesting of grapes, fermentation of grape juice, selection of wine and its maturation.
Processing of raw materials: This is the process of preparing raw materials for further use in the production of beverages. It may include threshing, mixing, natural or artificial processing, such as pasteurization or sterilization.
Packaging: The last stage in the production of the drink, which includes packaging and preparation for transportation and sale.
It is important to note that the advancement of technology and the growth of the beverage market lead to the development of new drinking technologies, as well as to the improvement and optimization of existing processes.